Reclaiming Motherhood

This workbook is designed with a clear mission: to redefine motherhood from its current state of imbalance. There is a prevailing narrative that surrounds motherhood, one that dictates our children’s needs must always supersede our own. We’ve been conditioned to believe that self-care is selfish, that we must embody superhero status, capable of shouldering all responsibilities alone. While undoubtedly, mothers possess remarkable strength and are by all rights superheroes, it’s crucial to recognize that we are not meant to bear this weight alone. Historically, parenting thrived within a supportive village, yet this sense of community grows increasingly scarce with time.


Moreover, it’s imperative to acknowledge and honor the human that existed long before our children. Doing so ensures our children receive the best versions of ourselves. Motherhood, though undeniably beautiful, entails a journey of crumbling and rebuilding yourself that isn’t always pretty and often obscured by romanticized notions. We fall short in discussing the challenges openly, leaving new mothers feeling isolated and inadequate. This silence does a disservice all mothers, as we perpetuate a cycle of loneliness and self-doubt.

By embracing vulnerability and fostering genuine connections, we can cultivate the supportive community that so many of us seek. Just as fertile soil nurtures healthy growth, nurturing our own well-being is essential for our children’s development into. Prioritizing balance and self-care is not selfish; it’s an act of profound selflessness, imparting invaluable lessons of self-love and resilience to our children.

Click on each service/Course to learn more.

Reclaiming Motherhood

Motherhood is a new chapter of your life, being who you were doesn't need to be a thing of the past. Let us help you find it once more.

Individual Counselling

Life is moving faster than it ever has and with it comes the increased stress. We are here to listen, we are hear to help.

Parent Coaching and Support

With the wealth of resources for parents now available how do you select the best methods for your family? We can help you clear up the confusion.


Your world changes when kids come around. Nothing is easy being a parent. Come learn about how my son's diagnosis changed the way I looked at parenting.

Erin Suyker

As a professional I learned the impact our interactions with our children have on the development of their brain, attachment, and how this links to them fostering healthy relationships when they grow up. It wasn’t until I became a mom that I understood how big of an undertaking it was to be responsible for the creation of this foundation. I knew the how and understood the science but I felt ill equipped especially after having my twins because of where I was at mentally. It was during this time that I was made aware of the link between my own self care and my children’s emotional growth. I had disregarded my own wellbeing for many months and it furthered my spiral into post partum depression and anxiety. I wasn’t able to be the emotional regulator my children needed or be as present with them. With a support network built around me, medication, therapy, and intentional self care, I was able to claw myself out of that dark place, taking a lot of lessons with me.

I never want for another parent to feel like they are alone, or like they are not heard. I hear you. I see you. And I am here to help.
I look forward to helping you put your wellness first, to identify behavioral shifts that can be made to get you there, establish a network of support, and give you tangible tools to aid in your parenting journey so you can settle into being the kick ass parent that you are!

All the love!

Tara Mardian

One part is the part the world sees. The tangible things in life that we identify with. I have two amazing children and have worked for the past 10 years under the professional life in the field of social work. I have seen and worked with the families and children who have been through the really tough stuff in life that no one wants to talk about exists. This work in itself, and having a son who had many diagnosis and struggles is what pushed me into the more raw version of who I am inside; the curious, more passionate side of my human experience. This is the second part of who I am; the more raw version. This journey has allowed me to publish my own book about my son called ‘How Many Labels Does One Child Need’, explore other means of healing and self discovery in travelling the world for spiritual missions, obtaining my Masters in Reiki, Certified End of Life Doula, a degree in Metaphysical Sciences, became an Ordained Minister, and is able to connect to the layers of children and their energetic make ups through practices like Rainbow Yoga and Chakra healing.

I have loved the journey we call life, and I have come to realize that every negative thing, has had a positive outcome which has translated into a real passion in life to bring others together to be there for one another as support in whatever walk of life and trials they have been through because we are better together. I truly believe in leaving the world a better place than we created, and to guide our children to be the next generation who doesn’t have to remove all the trauma we have come from; it starts with us. We as their parents can prevent this from happening… just one little step can make a big difference.

Sending Love!